Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Dear Reader,

You are here to read some ideas, thoughts, and experiences which flows through a writer's fingers on the keyboard generating enormous binary conversion behind the scene and finally saving and publishing post makes it shine on the dashboard; I remember the old days when most readers were used to sate their reading desires through books, novels, news papers editorials, papers, or journals etc, but now the time has changed, the wide availability of Internet made such writings available 24/7 on a website until & unless the site is down or your Internet connection doesn't have good bandwidth, many thanks to software industry & W3C (world wide web consortium) to make it happen on www, for supporting and standardizing newer developments in the HTML and other web markup languages.

As far as I am concerned, I am not a proficient writer but I will try not to disappoint you.

Your suggestions & comments are highly appreciable.

Thanks for reading it out!
Ashish Sharma


godavar said...

ahan.. waiting.. waiting.. :)

Aanch said...

umm...agli baar i'l read b4 posting a comment i knw wht to comment lol
Gud 4 a STARTER na ;)